Glasgow Wedding Collective

Glasgow wedding collective

glasgow wedding collective wedding dresses

Glasgow wedding collective food

Glasgow wedding collective cupcakes

glasgow wedding collective by gone photo booth

glasgow wedding collective be eventful cocktails

glasgow wedding collective bygone photobooth

glasgow wedding collective bloggers

glasgiw wedding collective photobooth

gkasgow wedding collective lianne

A wedding event is perhaps quite a peculiar place to see me, mainly cause I'm not much of a marriage person. If I was to ever tie the knot with someone I'd prefer to do it in a registry office with minimal fuss (or even elopement!). However, I do still love other people's weddings and especially modern ones with quirky personal twists! Offbeat bride is one of my must-read blogs. And that's exactly what Glasgow Wedding Collective aims to do - show the alternative wedding styles out there for anyone who isn't quite feeling what presented in the traditional wedding magazines. And we all know how much I love to support an indie businesses.

For me personally the business that stood out and want to alert any brides who might be reading to is By Gone Photobooth. If you managed to guess from the photos above this is a photobooth company who provide guests with fun props and then print off instant photos for them to take home. Me and some other bloggers were all over it and if someone had one at a wedding I'd never be out of it (except maybe to go to the bar!).

glasgow weddding collective

glasgow wedding collective bee waits

glasgow wedding collective fashion

glasgow wedding collective foreveryoursbetty

glasgow wedding collective honeypop kisses

Also on the night four Glasgow-based fashion bloggers were asked to put together their own quirky wedding look using the brands present. All the looks were beautiful and stepped away from the traditional wedding look but I think my favourite look was by Lucy from Florals and Corals (second picture) because it was extremely elegant but the knit gave it a more modern look. Though Sheri from Forever Yours Betty (third look) was a close second as she rightly said "I'm all for not wearing white on your wedding day" which I give a massive internet high five to! And Claire of Bee Waits For No One (first picture) and Amanda of Honey Pop Kisses (final picture) also put together fantastic looks which aren't your regular wedding go-to.

If you are planning a wedding soon or know someone who is and you know they want something a bit fresher than I'd recommend they have a look through Glasgow Wedding Collective. I had a nosey through their directory (even though I am not planning a wedding) and some of the stuff was gorgeous and really lovely, and almost makes me want to get married in a fancy way rather than running off somewhere! (It would probably involve a ring by Katie Lees, and be held in Roulette Retreat and catering by Lazy Sunday)

Morag x

P.S. All photos from the event are now up on my blog's Facebook page