The Linkables

Offensive poster by PETA, edited by Tilly.

The #cfbloggers chat I help moderate has set up a petition to get Miss Sporty to re-name their animal testing statemement. They call the page 'Animal Friendly' but then further down the page admit they sell in countries where testing is required. This isn't just an animal rights issue, it's also a consumers' rights issue.

I've still not seen Maleficnet (I know, right?) but this was a nice read.

One of the best things I read this week: a story of how 'saving herself' damaged one women's relationship with sex.

As an introvert I give myself a weekend where I do nothing, because I'd fall apart otherwise.

I've never hated Mondays (yeah, I'm one of those people) but I like the idea of non-negotiables on a Monday.

If you're an Irish blogger, here is a new Facebook group for you

Celebrities and their historical lookalikes.

Another gardening blog for the RSS Reader: Woolly Green

I've been invited to a Holi Festival/Colour Run and know people have been on them so I'll try and not be too blunt. But my first thought? Cultural appropriation. And a quick Google told me quite a few Hindu people find them disrespectful. (Obviously not all Hindu people, but it's food for thought)

10 things Glasgow 2014 taught me

Think you'd be a bad-ass during the zombie apocalypse? If you live in Glasgow you can prove it during a fake one.

The coolest record stores in Britain.

Buzzfeed was brilliant this week: 18 times Severus Snape had all the answers to life, a dog salesperson in Japan, the internet's funniest responses to the Scottish Independence debate, 22 things only people who hate noise will understand and 14 reasons Dumbledore is a massive jerk.

6 signs you're a truly genuine person.

This is a long piece - and I haven't even finished it myself - which looks at the dispute between trans and radical feminism.

46 photo you might not have seen before.

Annnnd, a hip hop tune about the hamster of a London gang dying. Emotional stuff.

Morag x