The Linkables

I attended the Glasgow book launch of Scottish Independence: a Feminist response on Tuesday. The Edinburgh launch has already passed but you can still attend the Dundee one on the 8th of September

An #indyref event in Edinburgh: why the English and Welsh Greens support independence for Scotland.

How to tell the difference between BDSM and abuse.

New on the RSS Feed: i am a food blog.

Congregational candidate sends condoms to anti-choice group.

A look at the difference languages in the British Isles.

I have a phobia and get really offended/riled when the word is miss-used however I've never taken issue with words such as homophobia. But it could be food for thought.

30+ privileges of being cis-gendered.

I think America is a fascinating country and I think Native American culture is one of the most fascinating aspects, and loved this piece of native women fighting to preserve the culture.

Related: why do so many people pretend to be Native American?

Potato Days Festival is a thing in Minnesota.

Also in case any of my readers are in the American mid-west soon, female lift-sharing in Minnesota.

So I'm not a general fan of Wings Over Scotland, but this post is worth sharing.

I read this post a while ago and it is still food for thought: Scotland isn't this strange progressive country, it's no more progressive than most European countries (it's Britain that's strange).

The Conversation has a big section on the referendum but I've only read one or two articles so can't comment on the quality.

Some tips on when vibrators go out of date.

Colour coded photography.

A feminist film I'm thinking of seeing in Glasgow is anyone else fancies it?

Cute cups to buy on Etsy.

From my experience in past relationships I agree that objectification within relationships is a very real thing.

11 life skills netball teaches you. Hah!

Some words on the intersection of the vegan and LGBT community.

Some of the links I've shared recently show that I've been doing a lot of research on intersectionality between different forms of oppressions - this article is a great starting point as to why it's important.

If I was to have a chat with my 12-year-old self I'd say that you shouldn't be worried about being sexy because it's creepy for 12 year olds to be sexy. But still, thong ownerships was a big worry going through high school. (as much as it baffles me now)

Related: five things I'd tell my teenage self.

I got so many feels on Buzzfeed this week: reasons we should weep for the children of today.

Some reasons why some of us won't do the ice bucket challenge.

6 things positive happy people believe.

Dogs hugging their owners.

Annndd, totally useless product designs.

Morag x