The Linkables

One of the best things I've read all week: Entitlement and Apathy, the case of Women Against Feminism.

One of my pet peeves when it comes to social/people skills is not making the effort to use the person's correct name: this grammar expert agrees with me.

I've been doing a lot of research into 'choice feminism' this week and this post looks into the possible misuse of the word.

This post is also quite good.

I've been staying pretty quiet as I really don't have the energy to get involved in what has been a very tense debate but with one month to go I may share some of what I've been reading (because I have been keeping up to date, just very quietly) - and I am getting more convinced that a yes vote would be good but it was Green Yes and Radical Independence that have almost brought me round as they paint an image of a country I'd like to live in, which the mainstream Yes campaign just hasn't done for me.

If you're also not really feeling the Better Together or Yes Scotland campaigns some other groups I know of include Business for Scotland, National Collective, Women for Independence, Scottish Socialist Party and here's one list I quickly Googled and here's another.

I also went to a panel debate this week on the Scottish referendum and the monarchy which you can watch yourself here.

Vegan Life magazine has now been released and you can get it in digital format.

If you need more vegan reading in your life, here's a great vegan blogs round-up.

Arielle Scarcella is a great YouTuber I found this week, and I've been making my through her 'lesbians explain' videos.

She also runs a channel called Girlfriends TV which looks at a whole load of issues regarding all the sexualities.

My friend Charlotte of Colours and Carousels has started a Facebook group for Scottish Bloggers.

Some more guidance on animal-testing laws in China.

For everything progressive about Orange is the New Black they aren't exactly helping raise the profile of bisexuality (even though they have a great opportunity to).

10 of the best herbs to grow in containers.

Some of the ingredients in perfume (kinda gross, tbh).

A study on why women dominate the PR profession.

There is such a thing as a Barbie Collectors Convention.

11 things white people should stop saying to black people.

5 traits of great online community managers.

If you've ever wondered what Mean Girls would be like if it was set on Downing Street, then this Tumblr is all kinds of wet dream material.

Some psychology on couples that put everything on bloody Facebook.

30 feminist lessons in 30 years.

The Nostalgia Machine could possibly get addictive.

Broughty Ferry in Dundee was named the nicest neighbourhood in Scotland.

Also in Dundee, a documentary about one of its independent record stores.

What it feels like to by childfree by choice.

This woman speaks my language: peach wine slushies.

Some hilarious photos of Leonardo DiCaprio from the 1990s.

Chocolate lego is a thing.

If you're an Edinburgh reader here's some other places in Scotland you can get to in under two hours.

One of my favourite digital media agencies re-designed the website of one of my favourite hair care brands.

If you're vegan and planning a visit to Bangkok here's a vegan bakery you can stop by.

If you're vegan in London please make sure you're not supporting this vegan coffeeshop with neo-nazi links.

I'm not much of a marriage person, but if I was and I was ready to take the plunge I wouldn't sit around and wait for my other half to obey gender norms, and here's some videos of women who also had that thought.

I am LOLING: Giant pandas revealed as new owners of Rangers.

 Morag x