The Linkables

Want to see a bunch of rich boys from Oxford sing Hips Don't Lie in acapella? Probably not, but here it is anyway.

Joy Cho shares her thoughts on the changing world of blogging.

If you're wondering what the answer is to the "but why not humanism? Feminism is so sexist!" question, here is a guide as to why they aren't the same thing.

If you're a keen gardener and live in the Manchester area, Dig the City starts tomorrow.

More stuff for gardeners in Manchester.

I've always made an effort to reject heteronormativity with my (heterosexual) relationships (much to some of my ex-boyfriends' confusion, hah!) and here's a good post on why it's a positive thing.

I realise that veganism is still a middle-class privilege and could be difficult for someone on a low income however, shockingly enough, PETA didn't get that memo.

Clearly, a blog called Slutever is always up my street.

Flow Box is another vegan subscription box on the market.

You know I've been moaning about not being able to find a gardening blog which is urban, UK-based and female? Well, Vertical Veg ticks off two of those points.

You Grow Girl is a female urban gardening blog (but American). However her blog is amazing, and she does podcasts too.

I've also turned into an old woman this week and began watching Gardener's World (and almost bought the magazine, but I like to be eco-friendly and stuff).

Bulimia comes out of the closet.

Inside the world's most dangerous amusement park.

Domestic violence comes in many forms, controlling the finances so they can't get out is one of them.

Ria Michelle is a super stylish American blogger I found this week.

Most women have been grabbed inappropriately in nightclubs - but have you been inappropriately grabbed by a gay man? This piece - written by a gay man - explains why this is still an entitlement to women's bodies even if you're not sexually attracted to women.

If you're visiting the Edinburgh Festival here's a guide to being a good tourist.

So #healthgoth is a thing (but kids, never stop eating carbs)

Why do we end up marrying the wrong people?

20 signs you're doing well in life (even if you don't feel you are)

Abolishing the monarchy doesn't mean we couldn't take park in the Commonwealth Games (just like the Republic of South Africa still takes part)

Primal Pit Paste is new to the Leaping Bunny directory.

Finally, a hilarious Pinterest board of things that don't need to exist.

Morag x