The Dakhin, Merchant City

dakhin curry merchant city veggies dahkin glasgow merchant city dosa dakhin merchant city glasgow dakin menu merchant city

Whilst my mum was down for the Commonwealth Games (still getting all those backlogged posts up) we headed into Merchant City to switch sport for some art farty fun and an Irn Bru shop. Despite frequenting the Merchant City area of Glasgow more often - and it being a smaller distance away - than the West End and the areas of the Southside populated by restaurants, I've never actually paid a visit to a restaurant in the area just east of the city centre.

We popped in by The Dakhin, which specialises in South Indian cuisine. I'll be honest, despite almost always eating at an Indian restaurant when my mum is in town I'm not sure what constitutes as South Indian cuisine. We also weren't super hungry so on the table you only see two curries (one of them proved to be me that my avoidance of aubergines which started as a child is still relevant today), some dosas and some stuffed mushrooms. If you're a regular reader than you may have spotted that every time I stop by an Indian I always give their nann breads a rating - however this place didn't have any! I'm assuming this had something to do with them maybe not being South Indian (their sister place, The Dhabba for North Indian cuisine, has some nanns on the menu). I won't moan as all and all the food did appear to be authentically Indian, and the restaurant had a nice but professional vibe (with waiters that remember your order by heart rather than scribbling it haha). Nice little place to go with your mum, friend or if you're a couple (though maybe a couple that's been together a while, not sure for a first date).

Morag x