The Linkables

Cartegram is a cute little Instagram project that me and Alan are thinking of buying and were wondering if any other two people wanted to bundle in on the $50 offer for four packs of season 1.

Cute stuff to buy.

Best of Buzzfeed this week: beautiful Harry Potter tattoos.

8 homemade weed killers.

My lols for the week (don't click if you're a Tory)

Very important worldly stuff: TLC's 11 best co-ordinated outfits.

I don't think Eden Foods is available in the UK but vegan-feminist hybrids in the USA might want to take note.

What Thirteen People Wore to Their Interview With Anna Wintour

Feminist art.

Urban Roots is a Southside community gardening charity I'd love to get involved in but the nearest garden session is during working hours (but maybe you'd like to take part?)

And more on gardening: Urban Organic Gardner is a gardening blog that has been keeping me busy this week (I'm struggling to find good quality gardening blogs - anyone know of any especially if they are urban or female orientated?) 

A great piece on that girl in Magaluf.

This happened almost a year ago but a waitress in Glasgow was fired for branding a vegan a 'pussy'.

Another subscription box on the market: myWellBoxie.

Also very important and intellectual: an article discussing the ethics of re-souling vampires in Buffy/Angel. (I'd like to pretend me and my friend didn't have an in-depth discussion about this, but we did).

Ranking punctuation in terms of difficulty.

Cruelty-free bloggers is now on Facebook.

Some natural bug sprays.

If you're looking for the brand guidelines of companies, this site compiles them.

Morag x