The Linkables

This week China took a tiny little step to end mandatory animal testing and Tashina has a great write up to what this means for consumers (we still have a long way to go).

Southampton FC starts work on first LED-lit stadium in Europe

If you're thinking of - or actively - boycotting the G1 Group then here is a list of venues they own.

Top 10 Wimbledon sustainability facts 

More chat on Ellior Rodgers

Turn your pet into a piece of pop art!

I shared a few weeks ago a piece on lies we teach girls about sex, and Everyday Feminism has posted a list for guys (if any heterosexual males want to please a women, then this advice is better than any article in

It makes me happy that Gaelic punk is a thing. (Makes me sad though that Doric punk isn't a thing)

I share a lot in common with Jeremy Hunt, according to this BuzzFeed quiz at least.

Luis Suarez nipple clamps hahahahaha (NSFW, in case you couldn't guess)

Having been in a relationships with an arrogant individual, I wholeheartedly agree you should take this advice.

More to some people's abortions than meets the eye.

Some new music I've been loving this week: Meg & Dia

Beautiful and colourful maps.

A woman who has spent time in prison reviews Orange is the New Black.

Airport etiquette everyone should follow.

A Tumblr that puts hip hop lyrics over classic paintings.

Something I've seen too many times when someone becomes 'successful'.

Whilst I'm sure String's children are hardly struggling, I'm behind the idea of rich parents not handing stuff out on a plate.  (As a side note, my parents were comfortable but were hard-asses when it came to funding me and it's something I'm grateful for as an adult)

Another piece on cat-calling (and I'll continue to share one every week until the world understands

Good design makes me happy. I agree.

People who took their brave pills that morning (or have a death wish).

I've never been sure how I feel about gender-neutral bathrooms but this still made me laugh.

Lads' mag Loaded has dropped the naked chicks! Well done!

And finally, cats sitting awkwardly.

Morag x