Updates to my cruelty-free brand list

I'll admit that I don't keep on top of my cruelty-free list as much as I could, however I've been pushing myself a bit recently and had the week off work last week so made use of this time to fire off some e-mails (you might have also noticed I created a vegan beauty list and a vegan food brands list but both lists are in their infancy so I'll touch on them in the future). 

However, as my list is getting pretty long and I sometimes struggle to keep a track of what e-mails I've sent and received and what's been added and when (I really need to create a spreadsheet) so decided that every now and then I'll do a post to let you guys interested in cruelty-free know of new additions.

American Crew

American Crew is a high end male grooming range which is available in high end retailers (seen them plopping about Look Fanatastic when I was making an order recently) and is also used in salons (I learnt of them when I was researching a Dundee barber which seems to be all the talk right now). Unfortunately they have no public statement and haven't replied to my direct e-mail (which I sent three weeks ago now).

Added to: no statement


I'm not aware of this company being available in the UK so I decided not to dig too deep and didn't directly e-mail but the statement on their website certainly doesn't feel strong enough for me to endorse them. I know they are rated as CF (and vegan) on other blogs, but meh, wasn't feeling their statement personally.

Added to: ambiguous statement


I had heard from a friend they were cruelty-free and having seen them on Logical Harmony's list I had very high hopes. However, after I was unable to find a statement on their website I e-mailed them regarding their animal testing policy and if they carried any vegan products, to which I haven't received a response.

Added to: no statement


I actually hadn't heard of this brand until Logical Harmony's post on the mix up of their policies between different members of their customer service team. Like most cruelty-free users I'm writing them off until a clearer message begins to emerge.

Added to: companies with ambiguous statements

Urban Fudge

I am happy to report - in what is a fairly depressing list - that Urban Fudge replied to my e-mailed with a very detailed and reassuring statement. I had noticed 'against animal testing' on their products in stores however they lacked a website statement (on what, in fairness, is a fairly basic website) but they replied to my direct e-mail within two days. On the flip side, however, they didn't handle the vegan question as well and mumbled something about 'using plant derivatives where possible' which makes me believe they might have vegan products but if they do it isn't on purpose (and they wouldn't be able to tell which ones).

Added to: cruelty-free


If you're experienced in cruelty-free you'll know that a company which touts itself as natural and eco-friendly can still have questionable animal welfare policies. When I was reading about sustainability on their website but couldn't find anything to do with animal testing alarm bells were immediately going off. Shockingly enough, my e-mail hasn't been replied to.

Added to: no statement

Have you ever researched any of these companies yourself? Have any other information?

Morag x