The Linkables

The Guardian website now has a vegan section.

How many languages do developers need to learn?

If you're in Dundee tonight without any plans may I suggest the night my friend DJ's at?

Games of Thrones recreated by pugs because, well, why not?

Still on the important topic of pugs, here are some pugs looking smug.

And on the topic of Games of Thrones (kind of) here is the Queen looking unimpressed at things (including GoT)

Animals photo bombing (including a pug)

I knew Japan had cat café but apparently they also have goat cafés.

Cruelty-free Cottage writes about the clean-up cruelty pledge.

A list of some cruelty-free beauty blogs.

10 horrifying Japanese urban legends.

The 10 cities in the world with the highest murder rates (I've been to one of them)

I always love Jessica Valenti but this piece on what constitutes being a slut is brilliant (anecdote: someone called me a slut - technically hussy - at age fourteen because of the way I walked)

40 of the most powerful social issue adds.

Uncle Roys is a (almost) vegan online shop I found recently.

Whilst looking for Nelly videos on Youtube (yes) I came across this one of his surprise appearance at a Taylor Swift concert in his hometown of St Louis.

Colorful Liquid Splashes Captured at 1/3500th of a Second Look Like Floating Sculptures

10 vegetables you can make burgers with.

5 things you shouldn't say to women who don't want kids.

A guide to female fashion photographers.

If you're wanting to understand the different accents of the UK, this video accurately portrays of 17 of them.

Tashina of Logical Harmony is doing her first brand collaboration.

I've only just started to get into podcasts (late to the party, I know) but here is a big list of ones aimed at creatives and bloggers to keep me busy.

I'm a nosey so-and-so who loves reading about people's morning routines and I have no idea why I didn't come up with this blog idea first.

How to strike up conversation with anyone.

I don't check Google Analytics nearly as much as I should, but here's a guide for those of who you do.

If you say "I'm so OCD" because you use different colours of coat hangers for work and casual clothes then this is taking the piss out of you.

Yes: when a day job is the dream job.

A writer's response to being asked by the Huffington Post to write for free.

Finally, get your iPhone to realise you don't mean 'ducking'.

Morag x