The Linkables

I laughed far too hard when this came up on my FB newsfeed. 

We all know about subscription boxes by now (yes?) but this is probably the best one created for foodies (who live in America)

I'm a hayfever sufferer and I'm slightly cynical about using nutrition but it's worth a read.

This week the cruelty-free NYX Cosmetics got bought over by the not-so-cruelty-fee L'Oreal.

A small travel guide to Inverness.

The top digital agencies in the UK.

I've been keeping pretty hush hush on Scottish independence but there is an issue I have with the draft constitution that I'll put out there.

And, Vegans for Independence is a thing (not a very active thing, but a thing)

And in other political news: Labour pledges to provide everyone with their own owl.

Engraved rolling pins for fancy baking.

There's nothing wrong with a complimenting a woman on her appearance, but you should remember to compliment aspects of her personality and achievements too.

Related: beauty is overrated.

New on the sports RSS Feed: a blog dedicated to women's football.

The subway of New York was pretty gritty back in the day.

33 powerful animal ad campaigns that tell the uncomfortable truth

Cats in cosplay costumes. You're welcome.

YSF Magazine (it stands for Young, Free and Self-Employed) has some great digital marketing advice (even for us smaller bloggers) .

Next weekend I'll be in Dundee to get down to some socially conscious hip-hop beats played by my good pal (you should come)

I'll also be using the weekend to stop by Killer Kouture, a new alternative clothing store opening in Dundee on the Saturday.

More Dundee news, the 2014 Dare to be Digital teams have been selected.

Ask a Homo is a video series by Slate designed as a safe place for straight people to ask gay people (respectful) questions.

And in Aberdeen, there's Code the City.

I loved the Nelly and Kelly song when it first came out, and even I didn't spot this blunder in the music video.

What to serve up at a vegan picnic.

A blog where offspring talk about their dads being in bands = a thing!

I'm not even American, and even I already understood everything in this post (so when will other people?)

Want to see Sir-Mix-A-Lot duet with a symphony for some Baby Got back? Of course you do!

Finally, bears pondering life.

Morag x