Vegan Menu @ Red Onion Glasgow

red onion vegan menu

We all know by now - or those of us who keep up with veggie news - will know that Glasgow has been named the UK's most vegetarian friendly city but when you're friends with a bunch of meat eaters convincing them to try out the all-veggie restaurants isn't the easiest of tasks. But Red Onion on West Campbell Street has introduced their own 2 or 3 course vegan menu alongside their regular menu. Granted, I attended this restaurant as part of my first vegan meet-up with 'people-from-the-internet' but it's definitely a good shout for mixed groups (even though the vegan menu is new, the other people from the group said Red Onion has always been an accommodating restaurant).
  vegetable tempura red onion vegan menu

Even though I was tempted to keep it in the familiar taste bud range by getting a dish of containing my fav superfood the avocado, I decided I should branch out and went for the tempura vegetables. Best part of the meal, this was! Was spicy though.

garlic pesto red onion vegan menu

For mains I was tempted by the crispy bean burger but since I've eaten many a veggie burger I again opted for something a bit different. The Penne an Genovese is definitely an acquired taste - there was so much on my plate but I got through it all however I did have to get used to the taste of the garlic pesto (despite my general love for garlic). Some people ordered something different because the potatoes and pasta sounded like they might be far too much starch when together - but I thought the potatoes worked the best with the flavours!
 sorbet red onion vegan menu

And for dessert we had the sorbet. Not a very original vegan choice but sure is a tasty one!

Morag x