The Linkables

A feminist podcast I have been getting into this week is Fucking While Feminist.

The Male-Female Orgasm Gap (like the pay gap, but for sexual pleasure - NSFW)

I despise focusing on the killer in these things (and prefer to remember the victims) however in the Elliot Rodgers case there is a wider conversation of male entitlement that needs discussion. Laci Green covers itThis piece also covers it.

Also, one of the best pieces I've ever read on male entitlement, but this time focusing on nerd culture (and, to an extent, Elliot Rodgers).

Annnnnddd still related: the most powerful #yesallwomen tweets.

An infographic on why Menstrual Hygiene Day needs to exist.

Where did the word ghetto come from?

Reason 1026 why I hate PETA.

I avoid the Daily Mail but this got brought to my attention and I'd like to call out it's bullshit. (Animal testing is banned within the EU but a company that sells outside European borders may test in other parts of the world)

Can netball shake its schoolgirl image?

7 iPad apps for continuing 'business as usual' whilst on the road

An introduction to why vegetarians need to be careful with wine.

And we return to cheery stuff: a Tumblr dedicating to what can happen when women refuse sex. (It's not actually cheery, I was being sarcastic)

If you're not a sales/marketing type feel free to skip this but if you are then this is a great Salesforce blog.

Quite recently I gave up almost a decade (I didn't even realise it was that long until I counted it on my fingers) of social smoking. I could write a whole blog post on my reasons but this post does bring up a few of my feelings from a feminist perspective.

Ms. Fit - the blog linked above - is an excellent body-positive fitness blog on the whole too!

A guide to dating yourself.

17 lies we need to stop teaching girls about sex.

Finally, because this hasn't been the most uplifting of Linkables ever I shall make my final link the gift of rappers with puppies. You're welcome.  

Morag x