Marvel and nightclub wristbands

etsy marvel skirt scottish blogger etsy marvel skirt orange nail polish marvel etsy skirt and vans etsy marvel skirt dundee

Black top: Primark
Denim jacket: New Look (old)
Shoes: Vans
Ring: Morgan Clare *
Bag: Unsure
Nail Polish: Barry M

Anyone who doesn't like clothes with pop culture references should probably not be subscribed to my blog. We've had Bart Simpson, Clueless, and now it's time for Marvel to make a show (I also received a Dennis the Mennis hat in a goody bag recently, and I'm not going to lie that I'm considering wearing it in public). I'd like to somewhat pretend that I came across this skirt on Etsy by accident, but I didn't. I actually typed 'Marvel dress' into Google and came across several dresses and skirts using this fabric - settling on Pick'n'Mix due to it's UK location (it was made and sent out to me within two days - thumbs up!). 

This is the outfit I wore on a recent trip back to Dundee for a joint coming home from Australia/leaving for Southampton party for two of my friends. And as much as I love the skirt I felt I needed to team it with something simple - so black almost the whole way down (the denim jacket was very much a last minute addition). During the last few weeks both pairs of my beloved Converse finally packed in and despite my long term love affair for the brand I decided to buy a pair of Vans instead (my bank balance didn't approve). I do love Converse but I think Vans are a little bit more understated and dainty. The addition of white sock was for no reason that I cut my ankle and wasn't some extra padding round that area (practical, I am). 

(In truth these photos were taken the morning after - hence the classy Kage Nightclub wristband still on my wrist haha - and I actually wore three quarter leggings which, when I look back at some attempted outfit photos in the dark, I realise looked a bit MySpace)

I also experimented a bit with Bleach London hair dye and tried to do a wash in orange to red ombre, in order to highlight what accidentally happened to my hair a few weekends ago. I already owned the I Saw Red shade, but I purchased the Wash Out Orange to use on my roots. I know that Bleach shades don't show up well if your hair is darker but I read that if you use them on dry hair and leave for longer than recommended you can gain some colour. My hair isn't a proper faux-sunset but when I look back at the photos here (and also from the nightclub photogrpaher) I can see a brighter shade of ginger near the crown of my head. 

Love and comics and such

Morag x