Vegan coconut and raspberry brownies

vegan raspberry and coconut brownies

rasperry and coconut brownies hartleys

coconut vegan brownies with raspberries

raspeberry and coconut brownies vegan ingredients

I baked these vegan coconut and raspberry brownies a week ago and judging by the amount of likes/hearts/favourites they got on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and reckon it's high time I shared the recipe. Two weeks ago I just got the urge to bake for no reason (does anyone else get that?) and I knew it had to be a brownie, so I turned to my Brownie board on Pinterest. I was drawn to these Raspberry Coconut magic bars but I didn't have any biscuits for the base so decided to improvise the recipe. 

For the brownie I used to my default recipe which is a veganised version of the recipe from Pasta to Pancake: the Ultimate Student Cookbook. I've gotten pretty good over this past year at veganising various cake recipes so this was actually quite the doddle. And then I added the coconut and raspberry over it. 

225g butter substitute
275g vegan chocolate (I used some dark, some milk)
4 medium eggs (or 4 teaspoons equivalent egg replacer)
275g brown sugar (originally recipe uses muscovado sugar)
200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon baking power
Bag of dessicated coconut
100g icing sugar (and some water)
The Groovy Food company agave nectar
raspberry jam

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4
2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan until they make a smooth mixture. Set aside to cool for a few minutes
3. Prepare the egg replacer and then mix in the brown sugar
4. Add the chocolate mixture and stir well until combined
5. Gently add the flour (remember to sieve!) and baking powder and ensure it is evenly mixed
6. Line a tin with baking paper and pour the mixture in and spread about evenly with a spatula
7. Cook for roughly 25 minutes (time will depend on oven - just keep an eye on it and if something pointy is stabbed in and comes out clean it's ready)
8. Create a small amount of water icing with the icing sugar and water and add in the coconut (I can't remember my measurements - just go by personal taste)
9. Spread over the now - hopefully - cooled brownies. 
10. Squeeze some agave sugar over the coconut - to taste
11. Baked for about ten minutes (just enough to crisp the coconut a bit)
12. Take out the oven, wait to cool a bit, spread over jam. 
13. Cut up into squares and consume about two days worth of calories in one sitting (or take into your work).

P.S. I don't actually recommend eating these all in one sitting - they are very rich. I did however start eating them in bed and ended up falling asleep with the plate in the pillow beside me. #whoneedsmen

Morag x