The Linkables

I love food but hate waste and I am standing behind this new initiative in Glasgow aiming to mainstream asking to take our leftovers home.

If you love people and eating then maybe Invite for a Bite is up your street too (I haven''t joined yet but intend to).

House plant cupcakes.

I was never aware of some 1,200 calorie rule but this piece speaks so much sense when it comes to toned bodies.

The Everyday Awards.

Tales of a female sex addict.

Islington is the single's capital of England and Wales.

Changes to the morning after-pill coming to the UK (probably just England/Wales not sure on specifics)

Sophia of the Tattooed Tealady pot together a guide to UK subscription boxes.

The Co-operative launches cruelty-free promotion in its stores.

Top 10 vintage stores in Scotland.

Five questions to ask before posting on social media (take the Christian undertone as you will)

Why successful habits are about structure, not habit.

Like PowerPoint...but pretty.