The Linkables

I did a small interview for Amy of Amy Loves... this week.

My talented pal Melissa runs an Etsy nail shop and is currently designing nails for Cancer Awareness month with profits going to Cancer Research.

EU plans to standardise mobile phone chargers to crackdown on waste

Savvy Scot is one of my favourite personal finance blogs (yes?) and I wholehartly agree with Pauline's beliefs on keeping finances separate within marriage, which may not seem romantic on the face of it but the sixth paragraph speaks truth:
"If you have the means to walk away at any time, your staying proves your love every single day. Many low income earners are stuck in toxic relationships because they can’t afford to get out."

I like Suicide Girls but completely agree that they should pipe down on their claims on re-defining beauty.

It's been three weeks since I got back into netball and a conversation I've found myself having with my workmates is the difference between netball and basketball.

I loved Sheri's post on making glasses a huge part of her look (and those Pretavoir make me want to be one of those douchbags who wears glasses even though I don't need to).

Dedicated to my male BFF's: 11 things only platonic best friends will understand.

Gardenista is a cute wee gardening blog that covers both extravagant lawn designs and cubby hole balcony gardens.

The Flexitarian is a great food blog for someone who wants to eat less meat but not cut it completely or is transitioning to full-vegetarianism.

I don't watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine but I agree that the 'guy who doesn't understand no' is far too prevalent in tv storylines.

If you want to be as anal as I am about punctuality then here are some tips.

Dundee university will use bouncy castle to help stressed students.

Chester Zoo gets more visitors each year than Windsor Palace.

Even in the 21st century it still seems shockingly progressive of my mum to leave me alone with my dad all day long, therefore I am completely behind this piece in The Guardian.

Probably the best book ever for pop culture nerds.

If you need some evidence the media think curvy women can never look good, have a gander at this time capsule of these various Drew Barrymore looks which ended up on various 'worst dressed' lists. (And for the record, I reckon Drew Barrymore is sassy and I would totally wear that yellow dress).

If you like your clothes to contain a stylish pop culture reference then this Etsy Shop may make your bank hate you.

Morag x