La Fiorentina

La Fiorentina veggie risotto
La fiorentina peroni La Fiorentina mussels
La Fiorentina garlic bread
La Fiorentina interior

I know 'mid-range Italian on the edge of Govan' might not make many people want to get off the internet and leg it to southside. But hear this wee cubby hole of a place out.

La Fiorentina is a cute little Italian place, that feels really Italian. Not like a chain with an Americanised versions of Italian foods. This felt very authentic, and is marketed as a 'family-owned' business and only one of the four(ish) staff members I Spoke to that night were Scottish.

It's not a grand place by any means, but it is a lovely little place to take your parents when they come to town (and are forced to eat at southside places because you're still trying to convince your friends what's south of the Clyde is underrated). I'm not sure I'd use this if you were really trying to impress the pants off someone but for any low-key occasion where you feel a nice small authentic Italian calling then this is well worth a look.

Morag x