Tartan sleeves and cheesy pop

Jacket: Primark

I was in two minds about posting this outfit as it ended up not looking quite as good on as it had in my head. I do however really love this jacket, but it's one of those pieces that it can be difficult to decide what it goes with! What does tartan actually go with anyway?

I had originally planned to wear this outfit with a pair of black jeans - but immediately was reminded on why I haven't owned any non-sport trousers for about two years.They don't really suit my figure and I find skirts/dresses a hella lot more comfy (believe it or not). So it was on with a skirt: the only one I could grab being the work skirt I had being wearing that day before having to grab a bus across to Dundee to attend a cheesy pop night.

Oh well.

Morag x