Tips for going cruelty-free in 2014

Yesterday I posted my blog on my own goals for this year. But I've been aware from the blogosphere/Twitter that quite a few people are considering going cruelty-free this year, which you'll guess I reckon is fantastic news! When people discover I am a 'cruelty-free' beauty user I'm usually met with a 'that's awesome/good for you' along with a 'I would love to but it sounds like a challenge'.

Well, it is a challenge. But it isn't hard as you might imagine. It's not an overnight process and it took me close to a year before I felt as though I had really 'achieved' it. But for anyone else thinking of going bunny friendly this year here are some pieces of advice.

Do your own research/don't blindly take recommendations
There is a lot of information out there on which brands test and which don't. The only way to put your mind at rest is to do your own research. As much as I like to tout myself as an expert I would always encourage everyone to compile their own 'safe' company list as even I might have it wrong. There are very few cruelty-free beauty blogs who have a safe list I completely agree with, as my own research uncovered a different angle.

Make up your own mind
How do you feel about parent companies? What about companies who almost entered China but backed out? How strict do you wish your safe list to be? Will you only buy from Leaping Bunny approved companies? What do you do when you're gifted a tested product at Christmas? Do you need it in writing, or are you happy to take a disclaimer off a website? Many people in the cruelty-free community differ in their approach but what is important is you drawing your own line and sticking by it.

Finish what you have
You could do a blog sale but many people will just finish what they have and never re-purchase. I refrain from blog sales because I feel as though I'm promoting a testing company by allowing someone else their product (this is the same for Christmas presents).

Select a testing company you don't really buy from to start the boycott
The easiest way to start a full on boycott across the cosmetics industry is to take it company at a time. And if you want an easy start, start with a company you don't really buy from anyway and vow to never purchase something from their range in the future. From there you can build up and find it in you to boycott a long term favourite.

Another way to do this is to go by product type i.e. start with lip products and vow to never buy a tested lipstick from that day onwards but still allow yourself leeway on other types of beauty products until you feel ready to tackle something else.

Take a cruelty-free company you love and purchase all the stuff
If you discover one of you favourite companies is cruelty-free then let yourself have a splurge and fully indulge in their range. This is the exact reason I own far too many Lush products because they were this company for me. After you discover more about who tests and who doesn't you can start to experiment more.

Emerge yourself in cruelty-free blogs
I left this until last to go beside my point about not blindly taking other bloggers recommendations, but moving into the community can help with finding smaller cruelty-free brands, providing a starting point for independent research, and finding someone to hold you accountable.

Going cruelty-free is rewarding for animals everywhere but is also amazing for your conscience. You may feel as though you're discovering beauty products for the first time again as you might need to replace a long term product and take a chance on what works. But it's one of the best decision I have ever made and I wish lots of luck to everyone filtering their make-up collection this year.

And this year, I've challenged myself to cleaning up my household products. Not the most riveting thing to me blogging about but I might let you know how I get on.
