The Linkables

Apparently Eastenders will be getting a hipster make-over.

Important: how to have swag.

Do you have an oppositional conversation style?

I've always been annoyed at Blogger's lack of SEO features, but here's a handy guide to getting the most out of them.

I'm a fan of saying something interesting or say nothing at all (holla introverts of the world) but alas small talk is something I've been actively working on the past few months.

Why patriachary fears the scissors: for women, short hair is a political statement is one of the most interesting and witty feminist pieces I've read so far, and I agree with every word (even though my hair is fast approaching my waist). 

Heat mapping the human body during certain emotions.

Website URL ending in .scot could be available this year.

I've been spending a lot of time researching - and getting annoyed by - the planned centralisation of the Police Scotland this week, and this Scotsman article describes how I've felt about Aberdeen for quite some time: Aberdeen treated as 'forgotton city' by government

There's Facebook pages going about for both the Save Aberdeen Service Centre, and Save Aberdeen Police Control Room. Someone I've known since the age of two (!!!) is set to loose their job if the latter goes ahead, hence why I am being a bit ancy about it.

School uniform does not improve results. I attended a non-uniformed high school which introduced a dress code a year after I left but has held the same place in the league tables ever since.

If you're an iPhone owner (and are always clicking that Instagram button) then this e-course on iPhone photography might well be for you. 

Dundee dwellers: help restore the Howff  (that's the overgrown graveyard in the city centre)

I may not be an 'international playgirl' but I am still someone who's moved about a bit and Gala's post resonated with me.

I'm still slightly pissed they killed off Hayley in Corrie but let's remember the character's importance in social history.
"Hayley Cropper’s death has shown that Corrie can help us understand moral problems far better than any politician"

Morag x