The Linkables

I have no idea if this is scientifically accurate but lolz anyway.

New Edinburgh foodie blog on the go: The fizz and pheasant

Surely you've heard of UKIPweather

A pet LinkedIn hate of mine is when people who barely know you send the generic invitation:
Let's Stamp Out the Generic LinkedIn Invitation. No lie, I'll probably accept anyway because it's a networking site to meet other professionals, but it would make me view the person in a better light/remind me who they are.

An undercover shopper reports on the beauty brands easily available in Shanghai and it breaks my heart to know Bourjois were selling in China under the radar.

For anyone working in PR or thinking of entering it here are some essential skills.

For anyone wishing to work in design here is an explanation on what all those job titles mean

We've probably all heard of the TV show Benefits Street, and how much it helps the government's plan to cut the safety net for people who need it. Who Benefits is a site that showcases the vast variety of people who have required benefits (myself included).

American bloggers: you have the same first amendment protection as journalists.

I wasn't a fan of a Body Shop shampoo I tried but Hayley's review on the hair butter is making me think I shouldn't discount the range.

5 ways to be a better listener

Snopp Dogg is really getting into this nail art trend

Here is a really in-depth tutorial on lighting in photographs. 

A friend of a friend (and someone who also frequents my choice of venue in Dundee) has started a YouTube channel on losing weight - the healthy way. Heather of The Walking Fed already has two videos and a Facebook page already full of realistic and sensible tips.

Speaking of Dundee, I'm visiting next Friday for the first time since September (?!?!?) and it'll be for an event dedicated to my favourite genre of music!

Cute photographs alert.

An IRL friend has taken up blogging again after almost a year away.

Tesco has produced a recipe section for vegans.

The BBC was another mainstream name that gave veganism some attention this week, but they made it sounds like a hipsterish trend.

Marketers/anyone who runs a Facebook page: they've changed the algorithm (and it's not good).

But speaking of Facebook marketing: for the love of pete use a page and not a profile

Morag x