The Linkables

Generation Z are well into their teens now and us marketers need to educating ourselves on them!

If you reckon you over use certain words then run your blog post through Wordchecker to double check.

If any of my american readers are in Minniosta are love accesoories how this accessorization workshop?

And any American readers in California (and there are a few of you1) who are looking a PR internship could consider this one in Oakland. I'll just sit and gawk at their beuatiful site from my UK chair.

If you're looking for some new veggie cookbooks (like I almost always are) then here's some more to check out.

Explaining rape culture to a man.

This week I became aware of a website that concentrated on soya allergies.

I love toast and Sans Fransisco is one of my favorite places on earth but I still think this is weird.

Someone buy me one of these pillows.

I love me a good cocktail but some places really do the same thing all the time with their menu's.

Kasabian tackle horsemeat scandal in their next album. Or they mention it, whatever.

Reckon you're good enough for the fifth seas of the Great British Bake Off?

Morag x