The Linkables

You see how ridiculous this is? Can we please stop doing it to women. please and thank you. 

101 resolutions you can actually keep.

If one of your resolutions was to make more ethical fashion choices, this might be of interest.

Seven cool things Dundee gave the world.

YES! Seven reasons you should stop bitching about people on benefits

Perfect: 555 words on hate-blogging and bullying

As someone who has moved around a lot I can relate to Rosie's post on the difficulties of long-distance friendships.

My new favourite cruelty-free YouTuber: ilymorgannn

I know men in suits are supposed to be hot but I've always thought it's only hot if done properly so here is a guide with 57 points on buying/wearing a suit (or three, because is the suit you'd wear to a job interview the same style you'd wear to a wedding? ithinknot).

If you're this dad then you are cool.

And I'll leave you with some marketing advice I have always held highly: be yourself, because we hire people we like.