Cup Cafe Aberdeen: 30+ teas and Wonderland themed bathrooms

If you know me well then you'll realise from the title that this little tea room in Aberdeen is completely up my street. I can't say I'm particularly knowledgeable on the tea rooms (or anywhere) in Aberdeen these days but I had spotted this place reviewed on Christy's blog and just knew I had to go during my trip to Aberdeen during my Christmas break.

In my office (and even in parts of my family) I'm regarded as a 'tea and coffee hater' - which is not true. I'm just really stuck up about these things. For me my tea needs to be fancy and herbal and my coffee needs to be a latte with a shot of something (usually coconut). So when I laid my eyes on the 50+ options of tea my heart beat a little bit more. I ordered the coconut mango colado because coconut is one of my favourite things ever, though some other caught my eye such as the white ginger pear. 

As you can see the tea came in a super-cute set-up with a small tea pot and large cup (on a square saucer) placed on a oval wooden tray. I really love little efforts like this and the cafe was still priced in the purse-friendly region, given how much these little pieces must added to their costs. The iced tea I seen other drinking was also presented beautifully with a teapot on top of a glass filled with ice. 
The menu was quite big for a cafe with sandwiches and baked delights but I was super cold from the Aberdonian rain so went for their soup of the day which I believe was a tomato, coconut and chilli affair.  

I didn't manage to get many pictures of the place since it was really busy that day but trust me the place was a mix of Cath Kidson, Paperchase and a rustic vintage shop. I did however take some photos in their bathrooms where people couldn't scratch their heads at what I was doing. The bathrooms were Alice in Wonderland themed (encase you were wondering why I was taking photos of the b0gs). Just look! 

Personally I reckon the bathroom is reason enough too pay it a visit. But even if you don't like Alice & Co there's still the tea, lovely decor, soup, baked stuff and a big sandwhich menu (plenty veggie options). It also describes itself as a 'tea salon' which is cute as hell. 

Morag x

(I'm giving centered text a try)