The Linkables

The issue of cultural appropriation has gained mainstream focus, but if you're still confused by it this article is one of the best I've found: The Difference Between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation
"Because for those of us who have felt forced and pressured to change the way we look, behave, and speak just to earn enough respect to stay employed and safe, our modes of self-expression are still limited."

I never thought Coronation Street had enough fan girls to have it's own Wiki but apparently I was wrong.

When dogs get punished hahahaha.

Constellation tea towels.

Make your own birthday candles.

26 women share their abortion stories

I love Rose's review on a really fancy camera.

Teenagers imagined by 8 years olds in 1991.

Just what I've been looking for: 100 Photoshop Tutorials.

A cheat sheet of character codes.

A beautiful food blog to oggle.

Are you a chronic vague-booker over the age of 20? Fucking stop it.
