Christmas dinner at The National Piping Centre

As mentioned yesterday, Thursday night me and the rest of my work popped along to The National Piping Centre (which is also a client of the company I work for) for our Christmas din dins and some ceilidh dancing. The centre has a small restaurant alongside a few bars, a small bagpipe museum and a dance hall.

Excuse my blurry phone pictures, didn't want to interrupt our Christmas doo with my insistence on turning my plate round for the perfect picture before I actually bothered to eat anything...

(I also have no pictures of the room in order to conceal workmates/which company I work for).

Goats cheese salad, pumpkin ravioli, and Christmas pudding

Christmas can be a difficult holiday to navigate as a vegetarian, but the menu was just fine for me (there was also the option of vegetable broth as a starter) even though I did have to ask if the pumpkin ravioli could come without parmesan (which they nicely agreed to). If you read my blog a lot you know I like bars and clubs a little rougher around the edges which you could image this place isn't. The food was lovely though and wasn't too posh where you were scared  to accidentally cackle but it certainly isn't where you'd go for a rowdy meal with some girlfriends. The food was nice but simple, but not so posh it came in tiny portions. 

And actually I do think you need to be part of an event to eat there anyway ;)
