Christmas 2013

I've been hiding away from my blog land for almost a week (aside from yesterday's Linkables) but I thought I pop by and share pictures from my Christmas. I didn't take as many as previous years as it was really busy (despite it being the smallest head count at Christmas for a number of year) trying to get everything co-ordinated on time.

I ended up not making my butternut squash soup as my cousin, who's a professional chef, decided to spend Christmas at his dad's and he prepared a vegetarian sweet potato soup (which was lovely), but I did still cook the apple and walnut roast I had been planning. It was a much more complicated recipe than I had anticipated and it ended up being a sweet dish rather than savoury but it was still lovely. I also ended up drinking a bottle of wine to myself plus countless vodkas after my parents had left me with my uncle and cousin, which resulted in me doing no sales shopping and feeling sorry for myself the next day instead (whilst pretending I wasn't, having moved out prior to 18 means I've never adjusted to idea of being drunk in front of my parents).

I hope you all had a merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate than a happy public holiday and that you have a charming new years eve.

Lots of father christmas love!
