Lush Squeaky Green solid shampoo

Remember that beauty goal I started sometime last year to discover the best in solid shampoos and conditioners? Yeah, I barely do either. I reviewed the Jungle solid conditioner and the Big solid conditioner and it sort of ended there. But recently I decided to finally pick up a shampoo, and went for Squeaky Green meant for oily hair.

The main theme to my review will be that this is meant for very oily hair. I have quite oily routes but because my hair is very long the ends get dry and matted with not much difficulty. I found that this did wonders for my routes: there was no oil on my scalp and my hair didn't fall flat around my face. It created quite a 'messy' look as well which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea but it is mine, so pffft. However: it did really dry out my ends and caused the tangles of my life. I found myself using a really thick conditioner (i.e. a hair mask) each use to balance out the un-oiling of my hair.

Another negative I'll point out: my hair went back to brunette really really quickly whilst using this. Which isn't a problem if your hair isn't colour treated, but mine is highlighted using henna which fades anyway but it would usually last longer than this. The drying out didn't bother me because as long as I balance it out with a good conditioner it worked wonders on my greasy scalp, but the ripping of my faux redheadiness is a deal-breaker.

Though, I wouldn't warn anyone off this product completely. If your hair is colour treated then I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have (really) greasy hair which is either 1) short or 2) you're willing to balance it out by using a strong conditioner on your hair then by all means give it a whirl.
