Edinburgh: The Purple Pig

As mentioned in my Sunday post, whilst through in Edinburgh for Halloween I met up with my old uni friend (who has thought about starting a blog, but hasn't boo!) for some lunch and a catch-up. We were originally planning on the The Two Thin ladies but it was closed for repairs, so we headed to The Purple Pig nearby (it's within the Tollcross area, near Cav). 

I was feeling quite delicate from the Halloween celebrations the night before so opted for a simple greek salad: 

Those falafel were heavenly. There was also a 'comforting macaroni cheese' on the menu, which my hungover self was half-tempted by but my stomach decided it wasn't quite ready for anything heavier than small lumps of feta cheese.

My friend was fresh as a daisy because she celebrated Halloween a day before me and just needed some carrot cake before she headed to do a library session.

We stayed in the café's relaxed surroundings for a chat about coursework, beauty and food before I headed back to pick up my stuff before my trip up the Aberdeenshire countryside (and she went to read-up on readings for her masters).
