Country Living Christmas Fayre

Yesterday, me and my pal Hayley from Water Painted Dreams were invited along to put on press badges and attend the The Country Living Christmas Fayre in Glasgow. As a lover of food, quirky accessories and supporting small businesses, Christmas Fayres are one of my favourite things about this time of year and I absolutely loved all what the stalls had to offer.

I'm a bit skint until pay day so my only purchases were gifts for other people, but believe me if I was rolling in it I would have bought something from just about every stall. But alas, I am on a graduate budget however here are some photos of what was on offer:

As always, all photos from the event can be found on my Facebook page

Some of the stall that did catch my eye and I think people should check out include Gillian Kyle Ltd, Susan Gray's, Arran AromaticsSusan McGill Designs, Summer Harvest, Flossy Teacake, All That's Delicious, >Miss IntegriTea, Live Native, Coole Swan, and Caurnie Soaperie

Even though I couldn't afford to buy something from every stall these are brands that I am planning to part with money for in the future (and some I did buy a Christmas present from, but shhhh). I'm a big supporter of indie and small businesses but still love to look at purchases before I buy so these kind of events are perfect for me to hunt out something unique and not on the high street. 

The fayre is open for one more day tomorrow, but it is well worth a look. You do need to pay to get in but on the other side many brands were offering discounts and you get to have a look at products from brands that don't yet have a physical shop. I got in for free but I would definitely consider going back as a paying visitor. 
