Wagamama's new autumn/winter menu

Two weeks ago I was kindly invited along to the Wagamamas* to sample their new dishes coming out for autumn and winter.

I headed along to the Glasgow branch with Hayley and her Gran, which was nice as me and my wee Hayley met in real life for the first time in that Wagamamas almost a year ago.

New on their drinks menu is root juice and iki beer. I am a big fan of throwing almost anything in a blender so whilst a beetroot, carrot and orange juice smoothie might not be everyone's cup of tea juice I drank mine down. I'm truthfully not much of a beer drinker (unless it's a Millers, in which case pass me a bottle) so the new beer wasn't really up my street but drinkers around the table who were accustomed to beer were nodding their heads.

There was also wine on the table, which the waitresses kept topping up...

Obviously these three dishes were not to my taste, but I took some photos anyway. I did cheekily take a teaspoon of the sauce to try and as far as the sauces go the one surrounding the mahi mahi curry gets the thumbs up. There was also a side dish of pulled pork gyoza which I didn't get a picture of but it was definitely the dish sending the meat-lovers into a frenzy.

Whilst the meat-eaters were devouring the chicken et al, Wagamamas offered to get me something off the normal menu (on the house) to pass the time. I opted for the yasai chilli men which was delicious, albeit very spicey. Full of tofu, courgettes, red onions, peppers, magetout and some very flavourful mushrooms (my exact response to putting it in my mouth was "now that was no Tesco value mushroom") along side white rice, sesame seeds and lime.

And then we had the new veggie dish. Probably not up your street if you don't like mushrooms (thankfully I love them!) as it contained seven types of mushroom (I didn't know there were more than three...) alongside aspagarus and silken tofu with a sauce of chilli garlic, sesame and soy sauce.

New on the side dish front was wok-fried greens. The marinade was garlic and soy sauce which are two of my fav things ever so this was well and truly up my street. Apparently quite a lot of the population have a vendetta against broccoli, personally I love it and in this sauce everyone should!

And despite all that food I obviously still had room for dessert (because there is always room for dessert). This may look like just a blob of ice-cream and some pancakes but these pancakes have a date and orange sauce within the fold which make them a level above your average pancake! And the ice-cream is cinnamon, which adds some jolly festive cheer.

The new food for the Chritmas menu will be available nationwide from the 22nd of October (so tomorrow) and all my photos of the event can be found on the mo'adore Facebook page


* All the food shown here - including the dish from their regular menu - was paid for by Wagamamas, however I haven't been paid to write this feature.