Dundee Delights: the health store

Its refrigeration section, for some reason I took a photo of this....

Glasgow may have been named the UK's most vegetarian-friendly city in the UK, but I personally scratch my head at that one. One shop in Dundee I always make an effort to swing in by whilst I'm through is The Health Store aka plant-base dieters personal Havana.

I actually never spotted this place until my final few months in the city, despite it's size and being located on one of the main streets. I mean, I think I registered something was there but it didn't look like much and when I did begin my veggie/vegan journey I kept complaining that I would have order food online (I also used to live on the same street...you can see how uninspiring it look from the outside).

But alas, I stepped in and it was God's gift to veggies. I found non-dairy milks which weren't soya, I found soya ice-cream, I found egg replacer, I found bars of vegan chocolate, I found ranges of fake meats which weren't the non-vegan Quorn brand.

Basically its's awesome. I haven't found anywhere in Glasgow as good (am I missing somewhere?) or in Aberdeen (when I am up it's the small health store off the side of Tesco Extra in Bridge of Don I frequent) and if you are ever in Dundee for some random odd reason (it's not really the sort of place people day trip to...hah) and you're into this kind of thing, then I'd completely recommend a visit.
