But I'll let you into a secret, some films have managed to scare me witless. I like to pretend it was because I was 15 and watched them at midnight instead of recording them to watch during the afternoon. But if like me, you have a high tolerance and need something with some more hide-behind-the-cushion moments then these films might be for you.
Silence of the Lambs
This may need no introduction, but it is creeptastic. Well acted, well edited and just creepy as fuck. I watched this when I was about 15 when it came on at 11pm, alone. I didn't sleep that night and had insomnia for about a week. This was the film that won Anthony Hopkins an Oscar despite having been on screen for less than 20 minutes, because Hannibal Lector really is that creepy and keeps you up at night.The Exorcist
Again, a film we've all seen, or at least heard the soundtrack. I watched this when I was 15 during the day because I found it in my dad's collection. Was content watching it (may have even laughed at that crucifix scene) but afterwards I was creeping round my parents' house, and then didn't watch another horror film until five weeks later (it was Scream, which was more funny than scary).I watched the Exorcist again for the second time another year later.
You wouldn't think this was scary given that it is rated 15 and the entire movie is John Cusak sitting in a room (occasionally the ventilation system) with the odd appearance from Samuel.L.Jackson. But there was no escape route that Cusack (well, his character) didn't try, so I pretty much I knew I'd die too in that posh hotel suite.Seven
I watched this as part of the Abertay Psychology Society's movie night whilst at university (alongside the slightly cheerier Little Miss Sunshine) and you might have guessed they picked it because it was of a psychological nature. This film is Class A Fucked Up With Capital Letters. A serial killer you can find no understanding with (Kevin Spacey) and two cops (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) who still have their own dark little minds.The Amityville Horror re-make
I know this got slated, but it had many jump moments and times when you really worried about the family (and their dog). I don't believe the real story and it was a bit predictable but I was scared watching it by myself in student halls.What scary movies have managed to scare you witless? Or is your tolerance really high?