The Linkables

She takes on the world is the most fabulous and uplifting career site for females I've come across in ages.

I don't like excessive tagging on blog posts because I think it looks messy but I just found out that it is also bad for your SEO.

I thought this was quite interesting when I came across it but I disagree with my results (which were either a mouse or sloth - I don't have anxiety issues and I am the opposite of lazy!!)

I thought this New York versus London piece was hilarious (and hive five to the author for knowing the difference between the UK and England).

Alternate brand slogans.

Mugshots from 1920's Australia seem so artistic.

A comic about bras.

The Onion takes on street harrassment!

Basil wrapped stuffed mushrooms

A really cool baking trick I had never thought of.

This gets shared alone just for describing Robin Thicke as "the creepy uncle who comes to family dinners, despite nobody inviting him and inappropriately asks about the details of your love life": Feminism ain't twerking this. (btw, I don't agree with everything said as my opinion on that performance is extremely mixed).

Everything you thought you knew about the clitoris is probably wrong. Because talking about a female sex organ should be the way to end all blog posts.