The Linkables

I find generation behaviour fascinating and loved this on how Gen X can fix America.

33 Unusual tips to be a better writer.

The weather forecast in Doric

A band I have been loving this week has been Hot Chip.

I've also been loving the Of Monsters and Men album (but we knew they existed anyway?!?)

How to hail a cab in New York City.

A new vegan recipe blog I found: Veggieful.

I never knew just how young some of the USA founding fathers were.

A tumblr dedicated to selfies taken with bookshelves.

Halloween pins are starting to crop up on my feed and my IRL friend Dee has a great board if you need early ideas.

I loved Sarah's post on having a country vacation (I'm visiting my parents in the Aberdeenshire countryside right now)

How to paint plastic furniture.

10 things to never say to a formula feeding mum

Breath into the Bag is a great blog I discovered this week about anxiety problems.
