The Linkables

The first form of privilege I was ever aware of:  English language privilege

I don't think any non-Gen Y people read my blog but if you are older and you're a recruiter I agree with everything here: how to recruit Gen Y staff.

This is the single best article I have ever read of a man sticking up for feminism: Deeds not Words? - Achievements, not abuse.

One of my most used social media accounts is LinkedIn, but I really do agree with this: an open letter to LinkedIn.

Something that brought tears to my eyes: Kirsty's RIP Uncle Don, which includes links to those dealing with suicidal thoughts. <3

When Directioners go crazy.

Homemade chocolate syrup

If you're in to nail art, my wee IRL pal Melissa of Nail Artisan is running a giveaway on her nail shop.

Name and shame: people who say #nofilter but really did use a filter

Another habits of the successful people article, but I really did like this one.

A round-up of some recently launched (or re-launched) blogs with beautiful designs.

Make your trash can pretty!

Creamy jalapeno ranch dip 

40 things you don't have to throw away 

An illustration of what is in Prince's fridge
