Tesco Pro-Formula Anti-Dandruff Citrus Shampoo

A certain product that can cause a few problems when living the cruelty-free lifestyle is shampoo. Very few cruelty-free brands are shelved in Superdrug and Boots and whilst there are some really good cruelty-free brands that you can order online, this does mean organisation is required. 

I am really guilty of running out of shampoo and having to grab a bottle of Pantene when coming home from work. However a few weeks ago, to my surprise, I noticed a bottle of some Tesco own brand shampoo in my local Extra store on my way home from work. Finally breathing a sigh of relief I was no longer required to set aside my morals for clean hair I grabbed it. 

I've been using this as my main shampoo for a while now and I feel it is a very average shampoo. I was expecting it to be a bit rubbish to be honest and possibly make my hair oilier than normal but I was surprised. Admittedly it isn't my number one shampoo (that is still The Scottish Fine Soaps Company) but whilst it doesn't add anything extra to my hair (shine, volume, protecting colour) it removes the build-up of oil and grease, which is essentially what a shampoo is meant to do anyway.

I would still rate many other cruelty-free shampoos more highly but if you are needing to buy a non-animal tested shampoo quickly or you are on a budget then hands down I would recommend this. 
