The Linkables
She takes on the world is the most fabulous and uplifting career site for females I've come across in ages.
I don't like excessive tagging on blog posts because I think it looks messy but I just found out that it is also bad for your SEO.
I thought this was quite interesting when I came across it but I disagree with my results (which were either a mouse or sloth - I don't have anxiety issues and I am the opposite of lazy!!)
I thought this New York versus London piece was hilarious (and hive five to the author for knowing the difference between the UK and England).
Alternate brand slogans.
Mugshots from 1920's Australia seem so artistic.
A comic about bras.
The Onion takes on street harrassment!
Basil wrapped stuffed mushrooms
A really cool baking trick I had never thought of.
This gets shared alone just for describing Robin Thicke as "the creepy uncle who comes to family dinners, despite nobody inviting him and inappropriately asks about the details of your love life": Feminism ain't twerking this. (btw, I don't agree with everything said as my opinion on that performance is extremely mixed).
Everything you thought you knew about the clitoris is probably wrong. Because talking about a female sex organ should be the way to end all blog posts.
The Linkables
I find generation behaviour fascinating and loved this on how Gen X can fix America.
33 Unusual tips to be a better writer.
The weather forecast in Doric
A band I have been loving this week has been Hot Chip.
I've also been loving the Of Monsters and Men album (but we knew they existed anyway?!?)
How to hail a cab in New York City.
A new vegan recipe blog I found: Veggieful.
I never knew just how young some of the USA founding fathers were.
A tumblr dedicated to selfies taken with bookshelves.
Halloween pins are starting to crop up on my feed and my IRL friend Dee has a great board if you need early ideas.
I loved Sarah's post on having a country vacation (I'm visiting my parents in the Aberdeenshire countryside right now)
How to paint plastic furniture.
10 things to never say to a formula feeding mum
Breath into the Bag is a great blog I discovered this week about anxiety problems.
Tesco Pro-Formula Anti-Dandruff Citrus Shampoo
A certain product that can cause a few problems when living the cruelty-free lifestyle is shampoo. Very few cruelty-free brands are shelved in Superdrug and Boots and whilst there are some really good cruelty-free brands that you can order online, this does mean organisation is required.
I am really guilty of running out of shampoo and having to grab a bottle of Pantene when coming home from work. However a few weeks ago, to my surprise, I noticed a bottle of some Tesco own brand shampoo in my local Extra store on my way home from work. Finally breathing a sigh of relief I was no longer required to set aside my morals for clean hair I grabbed it.
I've been using this as my main shampoo for a while now and I feel it is a very average shampoo. I was expecting it to be a bit rubbish to be honest and possibly make my hair oilier than normal but I was surprised. Admittedly it isn't my number one shampoo (that is still The Scottish Fine Soaps Company) but whilst it doesn't add anything extra to my hair (shine, volume, protecting colour) it removes the build-up of oil and grease, which is essentially what a shampoo is meant to do anyway.
I would still rate many other cruelty-free shampoos more highly but if you are needing to buy a non-animal tested shampoo quickly or you are on a budget then hands down I would recommend this.
I would still rate many other cruelty-free shampoos more highly but if you are needing to buy a non-animal tested shampoo quickly or you are on a budget then hands down I would recommend this.
The Linkables
As someone who has an unusual name, I agree with everything this post says.
On that note, need to know how to pronounce a unusual name? Here is your guide.
12 sneaky pies pretending to be milkshakes
I do love a bit of Edinburgh and the lovely Lynne has put together a small eating out guide.
A Brooklyn based vegan clothing line (that ships internationally).
101 everyday ways for men to be allies to women.
Male sexual entitlement hurts everyone.
Start-up toolkit (a list of everything you need to get started in a business)
Fill in the blanks blog titles.
Homemade chai latte.
If Disney Princesses had Instagram.
Tomato basil pizza dip.
Grilled polenta with avocado relish.
Make yourself some fancy toast.
I've been loving Tegan and Sara recently - especially the song My Number.
P.S. The electricity in my flat has been acting up, hence my lack of blogging. It's back now and next week I'm off work. :D
The Linkables
Google asks questions about Scotland.
Rosie has a giveaway going on for some vodka!
The comments were getting quite heated on this article: should brands pay for blog mentions?
A Scottish wedding blog: Braw Brides (I found this because one of Scotland's earliest Arbonne Consultants was featured)
If you love to tweet using Chrome but really hate tv spoilers, then this Chrome app is up your street.
A slideshow of mac and cheese recipes.
The end of many different roads on Google Maps (sidenote: I've been to number three!)
I consider myself an introvert and absolutely loved this post.
Cheese boards shaped as different areas of the world (I love that the UK has a little Northern Ireland board to go with it).
I'm supporting Armpits4August and I think it's brilliant a page 3 model is taking part.
Porn sex vs real sex as explained with food. (this is actually hilarious, but nsfw!)
I was quoted in a blog post by Eve who is now making the switch to cruelty-free make-up.
A crochet pattern for a chicken in an egg (I can't crochet by the way, so I don't know if this is good but it is cute!)
Pantone cases.
Veggie Mexican tortillas
One of my favourite cuisines of all time is Mexican. Unfortunately central American food doesn't have a wide range of vegetarian dishes meaning I'll rarely pick out a Mexican restaurant is heading out for dinner.
So this puts me back in my kitchen, which to be fair is my natural habitat. Cooking up my own veggie friendly tortilla recipe which I do very often as it's a quick recipe and I regularly end up putting the mixture in a box and taking a packet of tortilla wraps to work.
one onion, chopped
half a pepper, sliced (you can use more but I'm not a pepper person)
5 or 6 mushrooms sliced
one can red kidney beans
one small can sweetcorn
one tablespoon tomato puree
one teaspoon each of cayenne chilli pepper, ground turmeric and flaked chillis
some spinach
tortilla wraps
1. Fry the onions and garlic with some oil until soft
2. Add the peppers and mushrooms and fry for 3 or so minutes
3. Add the sweetcorn and kidney beans, mix, then...
4. Add the chopped tomatoes, stock cube, puree and spices, bring to the boil
5. Take off the heat and divide between tortillas (or put in a lunch box)
6. Decorate with spinach (if eating straight away)
7. Wrap up and munch!
Lots of tortilla love!
The Linkables
The first form of privilege I was ever aware of: English language privilege.
I don't think any non-Gen Y people read my blog but if you are older and you're a recruiter I agree with everything here: how to recruit Gen Y staff.
This is the single best article I have ever read of a man sticking up for feminism: Deeds not Words? - Achievements, not abuse.
One of my most used social media accounts is LinkedIn, but I really do agree with this: an open letter to LinkedIn.
Something that brought tears to my eyes: Kirsty's RIP Uncle Don, which includes links to those dealing with suicidal thoughts. <3
When Directioners go crazy.
Homemade chocolate syrup.
If you're in to nail art, my wee IRL pal Melissa of Nail Artisan is running a giveaway on her nail shop.
Name and shame: people who say #nofilter but really did use a filter.
Another habits of the successful people article, but I really did like this one.
A round-up of some recently launched (or re-launched) blogs with beautiful designs.
Make your trash can pretty!
Creamy jalapeno ranch dip
40 things you don't have to throw away
An illustration of what is in Prince's fridge.