The Linkables

A new food blog I've been drooling over: Apartment Dining

As someone who wasn't breast fed and turned out fine I really appreciated this post (and for the record I support what is best for the mother and child, whether that is breast or formula).

I call bullshit to having things under your belt by a certain age, and this post agrees with me.

Reason 101 I love Ellen Page: why are people so reluctant to call themselves feminists? 

I don't struggle to fit my breasts into dresses but I have a friends (and a mother) who does and I'm sure a lot of them would love the stuff on offer at Made in Preston.

Tips on saving energy in your house (okay so this is the domestic project at my work, but I would appreciate it if you'd like it, and I will be genuinely sharing energy advice on it).

Honest Disney movie posters.

Pink Port Punch Recipe.

Strawberry Shortcakes.

10 things I learnt from Sex & The City. Extra love for this link as Samantha is also my home girl.

Save the date magnets.

If you're in Dundee tonight with no plans may I suggest the Rusty Hip Zine Launch?

21 things to look for in a boyfriend. And before you roll your eyes, like I did, read the last point.
