My one year as cruelty-free

Since my blog very strongly focuses on cruelty-free beauty and I show a large dedication to learning more about the topic, it might surprise a lot of people that I only went cruelty-free one year ago. I don't have an exact date as to when I made this conscious consumer choice to boycott all animal testing companies, but I can tell you it was roughly this time last year.

I first became aware of the cruelty-free lifestyle when I stumbled upon Louise's blog (which she had only just started writing at the time). I made a few notes on the topic and I did begin avoiding Superdrug at this point but it was only when I wrote up my mid-year resolutions that I decided to embark on a dedicated journey towards animal friendly make-up and toiletries. From that day on I made a conscious decision to not buy any product from a company I had not previously researched. 

One year on I would say my new lifestyle choice has been a success. My recent daily make-up post only uses cruelty-free products (aside from possibly the HD Brows palette) and the only product in my shower that comes from an animal testing company is my razor. 

Admittedly it was made slightly easier for me as my commitment to wearing make-up only really began as I made my cruelty-free commitment and I had never tried many animal testing brands in the first place. Estee Lauder Double Wear? Never bought it. Mac lipsticks? Only ever swatched them in a shop. The only brands I really had to boycott as such were L'Oreal and Benefit (and some other non make-up ones such as Pantene). 

Saying that it was active process. But with all new habits if you force yourself to do it long enough it'll eventually become natural. Just like giving up meat, I had to be strict with myself at first but now avoiding the Maxfactor section is just as simple as avoiding bacon in a supermarket. 

And there's the moments when you're not organised and I just really need to buy shampoo. 

One year on I'd say going cruelty-free was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It isn't difficult as you might think - I have been introduced to so many new brands, given my blog a new focus and bonded with some amazing people over this shared interest. Wouldn't retract my decision no matter what shade of lipstick Mac release next. ;)
