Kopparberg happenings Glasgow

Two weeks ago I received an e-mail asking if I wanted to attend an event where I would get to sit about drinking cider.

To which I said yes.

The event was part of the Koppaberg happenings competition which have taken place in London and Manchester (I believe?) and in early July it was Glasgow's turn! I headed along on a Thursday night with my pal Louise to their branded van situated outside the Buchanan Galleries where we were greeted by the staff who had driven up to Glasgow from London (and were adjusting to our weather!) and got to sample some of their ciders before the winners of the competition came along.

A main part of the campaign is to promote their lesser know variations of cider so the two options available that night were elderflower and cranberry. Both were delicious but for the rest of the night I helped myself to maybe about five elderflower ciders. Like a lot of flavoured ciders these two go down really easily and if you weren't told they were alcoholic you might believe they were just simply juice (could cause a lot of mischief with that...).

But they were still alcoholic so my bladder filled quickly and had to dash to the cinema to pee (and run home at the end of the night) and had that 'feeling drunk when you're alone in a toilet' feeling. (I'm really glad I can share this stuff with you guys)

Maybe it's the eternal students in me speaking but I still don't think there are many other ways to spend any night than drinking cider out the back of a van with some friends. However, cider is admittedly usually associated with poor young people but Kopparberg does a good job of making it feel grown up and I would completely recommend these flavours rather than the simple pear or cider variants.

Morag x

P.S. I attended this event as a PR request and received the numerous bottles of cider for free however I have not been paid to write about it.

[Edit June 2014: I've began being a lot more serious about veggie alcohol choices, and now know Kopparberg isn't one of them]