The Linkables

Classic structures dressed as hipsters

This week there was a disgusting project on Kickstarter but with enough screaming and shouting something was done about it.

Hilary Clinton's former press secretary wrote a letter to his daughter apologising for being a former sexist.

If you're a man who would like to receive catcalls walking along a street, then this piece explains why you are wrong.

From the same author as above, why you shouldn't tell that random woman she's hot.

Deep fried strawberries with dipping sauce. You're welcome.

Strawberry & Meyer Lemon Marmalade.

More strawberries: strawberry iced tea.

Some interesting words on travelling whilst working freelance.

Something I nodded along to: catch-ups are overrated.

It's Sascha's one year vegan-versary!

As a female with a bucket-load of male friends I welcome this pro-platonic male/female friendship piece. (I've seen a lot of hateful posts towards females who have lots of male friends and am really tempted to write my re-butle).

Christy wrote up a great review of Musa in Aberdeen.

New food for my lunch box: pizza made from tortillas.

Paris Hilton cries during a viewing of The Bling Ring (as a fellow burglary victim my heart is with Paris 100%).
