Did you find as many good blogs this year as this chipmunk?
As mentioned on Thursday, 2012 had some big things happen but I didn't give much reflection to my blogging experience. My life has certainly grown because of my blog in 2012. But that's not what this post is about - 'cause this post is about you! All the lovely bloggers I've come across this year and how fabulous I reckon your wee spaces of internet are.
And without do here are my top 10 blog discoveries of 2012.
We shall start with Louise. I'm mentioning her blog first as her blog has altered my life choices. Despite having been a vegetarian for moral reasons for close to year when I discovered her blog in April, I had never given a second thought to how many cosmetic companies test on animals. That changed immediately and come my mid-year resolutions in July I made the decision to always research a product first. She also has some really cute cats.
I first came across Elizabeth's blog when Googling "how to take public outfit photos" and found her post on the subject to be the best of what were generally poor results. There was something about her blog that kept me hanging around - it does contain fashion, food and travel after all! Despite only finding her blog in October she has years of archives and thousand of followers and it was just one of the blogs that made me ponder why it hadn't been on my RSS feed sooner!
I'm still on the hunt for some amazing male fashion blogs and so far in my findings this is is the best of the bunch. Stu introduces himself by saying "It's tough being a straight male fashion blogger, but someone's got to do it" and his writing style remains witty throughout, being a professional writer and all that.
Even though I haven't lived there for four years I still consider myself to be an Aberdonian, but I've found North-East bloggers to be a bit thin on the ground. Enter Christy! Who still lives in the North-East. She blogs about life, fashion and even music! I also love getting little glimpses of my home city through her photos.
And let's not forget Hayley! A blogging buddy that has turned into a 'IRL' friend. Hayley is super lovely if you ever meet her in person and just like me she loves Lush cosmetics and her blog is full of reviews for various products from their range. And her weekly Things That Make Me Happy posts always bring a smile to my face.
She makes veganism seem so mainstream. Within her vegan food and cruelty-free beauty blog Sascha also talks about fashion, life advice and Gossip Girl.
I've become a bit more inclined to DIY recently and this blog has been one of my main inspirations for that branch of interest. But even when I'm not in the screwdriver and corkboard mood there's always plenty of recipes to be clicking through.
Do I need to describe what this blog is about?
I've been a big fan of Sarah's personal lifestyle blog for years now and don't think there's a blog post I haven't read twice. So when she released a small business blog I was beaming. If you don't work in marketing feel free to ignore this....
If you're Scottish you'll know the scandal that it was when a young girl posted her school meals online. The only thing I wondered was why I didn't come up with this idea when I was her age...
What has been your favourite blog finds of the year?
Morag x